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Fatigue Management in the Workplace

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keeping it real from the author: "Do you have workplace fatigue because your work sucks, or are you just depressed and that's why you have workplace fatigue?"

Workplace fatigue can strike anyone and it can happen at any point in a career. The symptoms vary from person to person. Oftentimes it’s a number of factors that lead to workplace fatigue. It can be too heavy a workload or not enough autonomy. Regardless, it poses a serious threat to your health and your livelihood. Therefore, it’s important to be able to identify the signs and develop the skills for workplace fatigue management.

What is Workplace Fatigue?

Workplace fatigue is pretty straightforward, it’s when your job causes a negative impact on your health and wellness. However, it’s not always straightforward in how it manifests. Everyone is different, therefore everyone responds differently to workplace fatigue. Below are some of the common symptoms of workplace fatigue that the Mayo Clinic has identified. 

  • You have become cynical or critical at work
  • You feel like you have to drag yourself to work 
  • You have become irritable or impatient with co-workers, customers or clients
  • You lack the energy to stay productive
  • You find it hard to concentrate
  • You lack satisfaction from your achievements
  • You feel disillusioned about your job
  • You use food, drugs or alcohol to feel better or to simply not feel
  • Your sleeping habits have changed
  • You’re troubled by unexplained headaches, stomach or bowel problems, or other physical complaints

These symptoms are serious, and if left unaddressed, can lead to even more health concerns. So it’s important not to take these symptoms lightly and address them in a healthy manner. Thus, the first step is addressing the root cause of the workplace fatigue. Then you can begin to be successful in fatigue management.

Causes of Workplace Fatigue

Workplace fatigue does not happen overnight. It’s oftentimes a slow accumulation of stressors that lead to serious health consequences and overall discontent. Identifying what aspects of your job you are discontent with can help make serious strides in overcoming and managing workplace fatigue. Outlined below are a few risk factors that could contribute to workplace fatigue. 

Too heavy a workload. When there’s too much to do and too little time to do it, it can lead to feelings of failure and inadequacy that take a toll. 

Lack of autonomy. Having little to no control over your workload. Perhaps you have a boss that controls your schedule, your assignments, and your priorities. This micromanaging could be causing workplace fatigue.  

Too much mental drain. When every work task requires a high amount of energy to remain focused, it can cause burnout. 

Poor workplace communication. No clarity around your work responsibilities can lead to feelings of discomfort and workplace fatigue. 

Dysfunctional workplace dynamics. Working under a supervisor or amongst colleagues where a professional work environment has not been established. Perhaps there’s inappropriate conversations, harassment, or uncomfortable exchanges. This environment can lead to high rates of stress and cause workplace fatigue. 

Lack of social support. Humans are social beings. Thus, feeling alone or isolated at work and in your personal life can lead to workplace fatigue and other serious mental health issues.

Work-life imbalance. When your job takes up so much of your time and mental energy, you don’t have time to do or think about anything else. Subsequently, this leads to feelings of isolation and unfulfillment. 

These are common stressors that can occur at work and can lead to workplace fatigue and serious health concerns. Workplace fatigue can lead to fatigue, insomnia, high blood pressure, and even alcohol or substance abuse. So, it’s important to take action and address the workplace issues that are leading to workplace fatigue. 

Successful Workplace Fatigue Management

Successful workplace fatigue management requires effort and mindfulness. First and foremost, the root cause needs to be addressed. Whether it’s too heavy of a workload or lack of control over tasks, you need to communicate your discontent. This can seem intimidating, but in most cases, your boss wants you to be happy and successful. 

Identify the problem and brainstorm solutions. Figure out the aspects of your job that are causing discomfort and think of possible solutions. For example, if your workload is too big, ask your manager how you should prioritize tasks.

Be open with your supervisor. Be honest and specific about your discontent because your feelings are important. You deserve to be heard. Consequently, this approach will yield the best results. 

Advocate for yourself. Your supervisor likely has their own bottom line and stressors they’re dealing with. However, your contentment with your job is part of their job. Advocate for workplace solutions to your problems and your own health and wellness. 

In most cases, your manager wants to help and wants to see you succeed. However, sometimes, and it’s important to note – sometimes, a job is just not a good fit. You may want to consider finding a position that does not cause you stress and discontent. This may be an unwelcome truth, but again, your health and wellness should always come first. 

Additional Stress Management

Seek support. Reach out to coworkers, friends, and family for support. Then communicate your discontent. This can help alleviate stress and frustration. Additionally, your workplace may offer employee assistance that you should take advantage of. 

Relax. Explore activities like yoga and meditation that are proven to reduce stress. 

Exercise and Nutrition. A balanced diet and physical activity are proven to reduce stress and increase happiness. Take regular walks to take your mind off of work, and incorporate healthier foods into your diet. You can also incorporate health and exercise into your work with adjustable desks and ergonomic chairs that promote core strength. 

Workplace fatigue can be confusing to experience and hard to identify. However, it’s important for your health and wellness that you are able to do so. Your workplace should make you feel challenged, accomplished, and fulfilled. It should not make you so stressed that your health is negatively impacted. Utilize the tips and guidance outlined above to ensure that you are prioritizing your health in the workplace. Remember, your health and wellness should always come first.