Get a new desk or chair for your work from home setup
Get a new desk or chair for your work from home setup

Reasons to Work Remotely

Working remotely is no longer a luxury afforded to the few and the fortunate. Most companies have either transitioned to remote work full time or hybrid work models. In many cases, employees even have the option to work remotely or go into the office. However, it can be tough to determine what model works best for you. Especially as most people are accustomed to working in an office and in a face-to-face environment. Here are four reasons to work remotely and reap the benefits. 

Reasons to Work Remotely: Work-Life Balance 

Work-life balance is an important balance to maintain. It’s the ability to have a handle on your work responsibilities and obligations while still fostering a fulfilling and meaningful life. Making sure you are getting the job done while still making time for yourself and the things you enjoy. Afterall, we only have a limited time on this earth. We should enjoy it!

 It sounds simple enough, but this is actually a really difficult balancing act. Oftentimes, that harmony can be thrown off balance. The everyday toil and worry of work can bleed into our personal lives causing stress and anxiety during times we should be enjoying ourselves. Or, our personal lives can begin to affect our work performance leading to unsatisfactory work output. Improving this balance is one of the many reasons to work remotely. 

Working from home is proven to help improve work-life balance. According to a recent FlexJobs survey of more than 4,000 respondents working from home in response to the coronavirus, 73% said that working from home improved their work-life balance. This is because working from home allowed them to spend more time with their partner, family or pets. Unsurprisingly, people don’t like being shackled to a desk that takes 45 minute to get to depending on traffic. 

Avoiding Commute Times

Sitting in 45 minutes to an hour of traffic before an 8 hour work day is simply not an efficient use of our time. It’s even downright wasteful. That’s time that could have been spent getting your kids ready for school, enjoying a filling breakfast, or even getting an extra hour of sleep. Instead, you’re sitting in bumper to bumper traffic and listening to a podcast to stay sane. Just to do it all again after a grueling work day. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to conclude that avoiding commute times leads to greater happiness. However, there are also additional benefits and reasons to work from home.

Reasons to Work Remotely: Savings

First, the financial benefit of working from home can’t be ignored. Less driving means fewer trips to the gas station. As gas prices and inflation soar, no one is upset about saving money. In fact, according to a survey of 1,000 adults who work from home, the average savings in gas was $4,523 annually. Think of what you could spend that money on instead and that could be the only reason you need to work from home.

But – if you needed one more reason, here it is! Decreasing the amount of time spent driving also decreases fuel emissions. Decreasing fuel consumption and emissions is crucial to slowing down global warming. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, transportation makes up for a whopping 27% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, working from home not only saves your sanity and wallet, it also saves the planet. A win win. But wait, there’s more!

Personalized Workspace

Let’s just say most company offices are missing a certain feng shui. That’s because they are designed for efficiency, not necessarily for style and comfort. The ability to design your own workspace and choose your own setup are fantastic reasons to work remotely. This is because working from home allows you to determine what workspace is best for you. Everyone has different needs when it comes to their work set up. The world is your oyster when it comes to your home office.

Perhaps an adjustable desk, like this one, will increase your productivity. Or, choosing an ergonomic office chair like this  will help alleviate tension in your neck. Being able to have autonomy over the space you work in can only lead to positive results. It also doesn’t hurt to be able to coordinate your own color scheme. Enjoying the space you are in  is a small but significant way to improve your mood and one of the many reasons to work from home.

Whether you want to improve your work-life balance or simply want to save some money on gas, you should be able to make that decision for yourself. There are a plethora of reasons to work from home, but that doesn’t mean it’s right for everyone. Some people simply prefer the structure and the environment of collaborating with their colleagues in person, and that’s okay! Think about your needs and what type of environment you work best in. Consider work-life balance, productivity, and your own mental health and the decision should come to you pretty easily.